New York Swimming Pool Injury Lawyer

Swimming Pool Injurys attorney

Swimming pool injuries occur frequently in public swimming pools, hotels, commercial water parks, and residential pools. Each year over 5,000 children are hospitalized due to swimming pool accidents, and close to 1,000 die. In addition, spas and whirlpools are responsible for claiming more than 200 lives. Unfortunately, many of these swimming pool related accidents are the result of negligent property owners. The New York swimming pool injury lawyers from the law offices of Fitzgerald & Fitzgerald, P.C., can help you in your case.

Some of the reasons why swimming pool accidents occur include, but are not limited to:

Property owners are required to adhere to the guidelines regarding supervision, fencing, and the covering of unattended pools. All property owners are responsible for providing a safe swimming area for both adults and children. If he or she fails to do so, the property owner should be held responsible for any injuries or deaths sustained in the pool. If you or a loved one have been injured or killed in a swimming pool accident, you may be entitled to receive compensation. Contact a New York swimming pool injury attorney to help you pursue the compensation you and your family deserve.

At the law firm of Fitzgerald & Fitzgerald, P.C., we represent people who fall victim to another’s negligence, including swimming pool accident victims. Our attorneys have successfully pursued compensation for past and present medical expenses, pain and suffering, loss of potential income, and other damages. We conduct thorough investigations in every case, look for signs of negligent behavior, and pursue the most favorable compensation.

We Pursure Rightful Compensation For Your Injuries and Damages

Under the premises liability law, property owners are responsible for providing a safe swimming pool area. If you or a loved one suffers a personal injury or death because of another’s negligence, our New York injury lawyer will aggressively fight to protect your rights and pursue rightful compensation for injuries and damages.

For a free consultation with one of our New York injury and accident attorney, contact the law firm of Fitzgerald & Fitzgerald, P.C.